Enslavement of Women in Malta
The idea is to ALLOW PEOPLE A VOICE.
A Message to The Labour Party. Location: Sliema Time: 09:57am Date: 13/12/12 Author: Anne Agius (Gelicrisio); Id 225213L Enslavement of Women continued...
1. You know there is a problem in your community when people have to sign 'anonymously', just to tell you that they agree with your online communication regarding, 'The Enslavement of Women'; afraid to openly support you because they have kids to feed they say (in fear of losing their jobs); and the emails are coming in by numbers.
Already I've received email's in response to the 'enslavement of women' discussion TOPIC OF THE MONTH web page of this site. I must say, it's sad how many people are living like this in 2016 and what's worse, it goes hand in hand with sexualizing children.
Here in this website I aim to address any concerns you may have without naming anyone who wishes to remain anonymous.
The idea is to ALLOW PEOPLE A VOICE. May I ask, is this the same Government that told voters in their own language, 'come with us, don't be scared...?' If the enslavement of women is illegal (and so it should be), then why is it happening under the Government that PROMISED (A) CHANGE, (B) FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND MOVEMENT AND (and this is my very favorite) (c) to eradicate all forms of corruption by enforcing the 'Whistle-blowers Act'. Then there is the Economy; yes it's fair to say that people have more money in their pockets to buy coffee every morning at McDonalds (tells me one staff member), but with the economy stable and doing well in the hands of The Hon Joseph Muscat, why can't labor raise the min. wage and give the it's people the opportunity to secure their own house... they have coffee at home. The aim of this post is to raise awareness for humanitarian causes, including but not limited 'The enslavement of Women'... Anne http://chatterbohxpress.wix.com/voicebohx