A Letter to Blake - 2017
hey Tiger,
Just wondering how you are doing lately? I often google your information and it leads me to your facebook profile; but this time I couldn't find anything and so I emailed Uncle Sergio (and your father) who told me via email reply that none one has heard from you and don't know where you are. I then contacted a Lawyer in Australia who is trying to comunicate with DHS on my behalf for answers but so far, there are none?
I'm not asking for access, as you're now old enough to make your own decisions - I just want an update on your welfare, that's all.
You know that if anything happens to you, I'm gonna nail their asses to the wall in court with unrelenting litigation action, I mean after all, the Department of Child Protection Australia, managed to convince the judge that they can do a better job than your mother but it seems they failed. Furthermore, an international lawyer (who wants 35% Commission to represent this case on pro-bono), said that should anything happen to you (or Kristen), as a result of the department of child protection's interventions who affectively failed in their duty of care to protect your best interests, I can ask for one million per child for each year I have done without you guys, until the expiry date of the orders; which according to my calculations totals 12million dollars; but I'd rather have you.
Blake, I don't want to alarm you and I don't know why you've lost contact with family members, however, if you have any concerns with regards to being monitored or sense any obstruction of opportunities for advancement in relationships and/or employment (even if you are not 100% sure but know something is not right), I need to know about it straight away. Please understand that you are a key witness to police corruption of 7 years... they have their motives.
I must admit, I was pretty upset when I saw that facebook photo three years ago showing you sitting with friends in a room smoking dope and drinking alcohol. And now you've also taken up cigarette smoking. But on the other when you consider what the department of child protection put you through (and the lies to keep us apart), I kind of don't blame you all that much - I was suffering too.
I always used to tell you kids what my dad used to say to me, "...there are risks and there is stupidity; alcohol is a risk but drugs are plain stupid and smart people don't do drugs." There is no such thing as a safe drug, they stupify the mind and cause misery; they kill dreams and steal your wealth, the type of wealth that money can't account for, for they are a product of evil and you Blake, are too good for that.
Try to find God instead, pray the Rosary every day and there, you will find all the answers, for there is no greater force than the power of the Lord who gave you life.
On 15th August, 2014, I wrote the following letter to the lawyer who represented my case, which I published online in hope you'd see it too. At this time I caught my husband frauding messages in your name, so I had to choose charefully what information I was prepared to believe, but that photo (mentioned above), I could not ignore hence the following communication:
"I am writing this email mainly because of my children's most recent messages. I am concerned for their welfare ...Blake calls himself damaged goods, he is vulnerable and turning to alcohol and smoking for solutions; he's gone from being a happy go lucky boy to using profanities that not even I speak... In my care Blake would never have ended up in such a state, he had dreams and aspirations to be a forensic investigator since he was 8 years old and humanitarian goals much to be admired, for instance he used to always say that he'd spend a portion of his wages to invest in a new movement for community benefit to help boys in the same position as him, who didn't have their fathers growing up, establishing an inclusion type programe offering them support... he's only 16 and should have his mind on a brighter future, the department of child protection did not have the right to break his spirit, which is a breach of policy. I called the family home several times prior to the intervention order but my mother refused to hand the phone over to my son..."
Blake you have a heart of gold and no matter what you have endured through no fault of your own, it's never too late to turn your life around.
Remember you always wanted to be a forensic investigator? And remember how much you wanted to hlep other boys without fathers, that programe you wanted to establish for community benefit? It's never too late, your people and problem solving skills are second to none, please don't waste those gifts by getting into trouble with the law - I believe I taught you better than that.
If you need motivation, take the time to listen to "Les Brown Motivational Speaker", (you can google him) or view the video I posted on my website titled, "Hard Times".
Your a star baby and everyone loved you within the first five seconds of meeting you. Do you remember that man in Western Australia in Rockingham, who worked for channel 10? He was so taken by your presentation and your level of intellignece in dealing with people that he wanted to put you in commercial television. I'm sorry I didn't pursue that for you, that was my mistake not yours.
...and do you remember that aboriginal girl on the bus who the foreign driver (Indian man) was treating her like shit because she didn't have five dollars for the fare; I was so proud of you when you took out your last five bucks of pocket money and gave it to her to ride the bus.
There was another time when you saved me from that brown snake, do you remember that? You were always brave.
...and what about that time you discovered a dead body in the early hours of the morning while we walking the dog, do you remember how you took action to alert the police at such a young age.
...and one of my favourite memories with you is when I caught that beautiful salmon fish in Western Australia and I put it in a bucket with sea water to keep it fresh but of course, it was obviously suffering with no room to swim around in and as it started struggling fighting for life, you almost started crying insisting that I release it back into the wild waters to set it free and I couldn't deny you, because you were right.
You're not just an everyday, ordinary man, you're gifted and highly intelligent, the type of intelligence that can not be measured with pen and paper, the type of intelligence that that can not be taught or paid for, you have to be born with it and that GIFT was given to you by GOD, to do something special with it.
You have a responsability to manifest your greatness becuase what you were born to do, no one else can do it like you.
Don't waste yourself in the Australian army, let the government fight their own battles, they have plenty of money and resources to be affective all by themselves, I think you've battled enough!
I can fully appreciate that combat is in our family, my father was in the Italian Army, my grandfather was a highly ranked captain in the American Army and my mother just loved to fight but you have a strong sense for justice and you need to follow your hearts desire not what everyone else thinks you should do and God knows Australia needs a few good cops in the force, who will enforce the law and uphold human rights in accordance to the law. If you do a job like that well, you can make a big difference to the community at large - a job like that was not intended to be abused.
You've been wanting to become a forensic investigator since 8 years old. Do you remember how many times I bought you a gun set containing hand cuffs and a police badge? It's what you requested every time you reached the end of your star chart - which earned you a reward of your choice form the toy store and one time you wanted this new gun set that just hit the shelves. It came with a police vest and hat to match and I told you that you'd have to earn it - it was quite expensive for a toy. Determined to earn your reward, you woke up early one morning while living in Baldivis (Western Australia) at aproximately 4am and went throught the entire house, from the vacuuming to the laundry (washing the coloured clothes together with the whites, which we laughed about later). Then you made breakfast for Kristen and myself, and not just any breakfast but melted cheese on toast with boiled eggs. Well after dropping Kristen off to school, we went straight to the store and paid for your reward that you were so proud to earn. Kristen got sooo upset becuase there were no chores left for her to do and she also wanted to earn her reward so to make it fair, I gave her five bucks to spend at the school tuck shop; but your gift was greater than hers and you earned it. That's how you have to takle life Blake, your gift is greater than most peoples but you have to earn it!
With regards to the intervention from the department of child protection, I would like you to know that the orders were granted (to put you guys in the hands of the state), becuase they were successful in producing falsified statments to the court signed by (a) my mother who lied her ass off under their instruction for that intervention order that she never even took the stand (in court) to support; (b) uncle Matthew alleging he witnessed turn of events putting into question my parenting standards while visiting us in Falcon, which he never even paid us such a visit; (c) and the police signing statments on your behalf that you never made...
Finally, I'd like you to know that NONE OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT, you never failed me, they stole you from me just to fail you, which in the court of law, I intend to hold them accountable; and the lies you were fed to trick you into compliance; and then, they turned you agaisnt me by filling your head with bull. NONE OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT.
It's not even Kristen's becuase she was at her peak adolesence and should have been told to listen to her mother, who was only tryiing to protect her; I've been protecting that girl since she was born. I pray every to God to spare her of her sins, she broke a big one when she made those statments to the department of child protection buying her freedom before her time, which they manipulated her with. The shame is theirs, not yours and not Kristen's.
The cops had a score to settle since our return to Victoria in 2004 (from Western Australia - and it wasn't your fault that you wanted to see your father but mine). The police officer who sexully assaulted me and raped a fourteen year old girl got stood down, after my complaints reached Christine Nixon's Office who was Chief of Police in Victoria. The victimisation stretched over the nexrt seven years, the stalking through harrassment, the defamation of character, spoiling the opportunity for good relationships and career prospects; their aim was to provoke aggression out of me or a reaction that is not compliant with the law - any excuise to take my kids. They were building a case for mental health concerns on false pretences, running on lies and bribes. People with mental health conditions can not hold down jobs and relationships, and have unstable living arrangments (and often display unprovoked aggression), but they were careful not let anyone see the tax-free cash handouts being passed under the table; it was only a matter of time before Kristen reaches her peak adolesence wanting her freedom before her time, and they stepped right in. They couldn't get past me because I was watching them like a hawk in the sky, so they preyed on Kristen who was always inclined to disobedience, carefully calculating their moment.
Provokation is illegal for a good reason, as you can not possibly assess the mental health of anyone after being provoked into violence - I became very resiliant.
...being denied a lawyer while institutionalised, I jumped the barb wire fence and ran for my life along train tracks (where I know they wouldn't look) with both arms bleeding and a torn hospital gown. I knew the chopper was less than half an hour away so I had to hurry, I was headding to the lawyers office... (the details will be published in my book titled, "betrayed NOT beaten")
I was eventually taken off section and released from the Mental Health system with no ongoing concerns; and since you guys didn't want to talk to me I came to Malta.
When I arrived on a clean passport (as the case was closed), they weren't done. They brought their bullshit here illegally crossrefernecing me, polluting this already troubled community until EUROPOL took over the investigations; and still they found nothing, simply becuase there is nothing to be had.
They think because they've got tax payers dollars at their disposal they can play God with peoples lives but IT IS GOD WHO PASSES DOWN THE VERDICT AND THAT IS FREE OF CHARGE.
...but now it is me who's not done; and through this ordeal, I learned that it's not the size of your army, it's the strength of your faith and with GOD you can outrun everyone.
Blake if you are dealing with life's difficulties, please find GOD if you can't find me and pray the Rosary everyday, you'll find all the answers right there; but no matter what happens, you and your sister will always be in my heart.
Blake you are not damaged goods, you are my son and just rememer, they DID NOT BREAK ANYTHING THAT I CAN'T FIX so if you need me, I'm just an email away!
Never, ever give up fighting for what is right!
Love, your mother.